Utkarsh Arya

A Poet's Dream

As a lighthouse holds the key to safety,
a compass caring for the right direction,
a mother lost in her rhythm of love;

and travellers find a heaven in tree-shed,
and the poet wishes...
a toy of happiness for every weeping  child ,
flames of wisdom for every fading light.

A world without tears of agony,
the grassland of joy and no fear,
the kingdom of ambient elves,
where sunshine dances in glory.

Thorns to teach and not pain,
no clouds who hover but don't rain,
A heart to care and not hate,
the songs of happiness ,
and the culture humane.

No empty palaces and over-brimming huts,
no boundaries to enchain ,
but the bridges  to unite and strengthen
the old sweetness of relations.

The old company of friends,
the paper boats of childhood,
those sweet tales of love in endless nights,
that soothing wind and the birds in flight,
And where does this miracle reside ?